Action & Advocacy
Where We Stand
How We Reach Our Positions
What do we mean by League ‘Program’?
In the League of Women Voters, public policy positions are adopted at our organization’s national, state and local levels. These positions are developed by careful and deliberate study and adopted by members through consensus.
Taken together, these positions constitute what is commonly called the League’s “Program.” In the League of Women Voters, Program consists of the body of public policy issues chosen for study, education and action at local, state and national levels. Our Program guides both our voter education and our advocacy work.
National Positions: The positions of the League of Women Voters of the United States are found in Impact on Issues.
State Positions: The positions of the League of Women Voters of Missouri are found in the Guide to State Action.
Local Leagues can use these state and national positions, along with their local positions, to act in their own communities. Local public policy positions are specifically related to the local League’s service area. For the LWV of Southwest Missouri, the counties of Greene, Christian and Webster constitute our service area.
Our local positions on government policies are found using the Quick Links on this page.