Day of Action February 14

February 14 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters. Six months before women finally won the right to vote, Carrie Chapman Catt and other dedicated suffragists established the League at a conference in Chicago. The League encouraged women to use their new power to participate in shaping public policy through grassroots action.

This year, our Southwest Missouri Leaguers will join LWV members all across the United States in a National Day of Action on Feb. 14 and all during that week. With the theme Women Power the Vote, the Day of Action is an opportunity for League members across the country to participate in a shared moment to celebrate our 100th birthday and honor our legacy.

Some of our Day of Action plans:
• Look for an op-ed in the Springfield News-Leader, penned by League president Marge Bramer.
• Plan to attend a fun social, For the Love of the Vote, planned by our Centennial Committee. It will be held 5 to 8 p.m. Feb. 13 at the Backlot bar at Alamo Drafthouse.
• Take action in our lobbying state legislators regarding Amendment 1, known as Clean Missouri. The new amendment that establishes procedures for fair mapping of legislative districts is under
fire from some lawmakers whose bills would bring back gerrymandering in Missouri.
• Social media posts commemorating our 100th anniversary.

More details on Day of Action projects presented by the League of Southwest Missouri will be coming in member newsletters.