Respect Missouri Voters

Letter to the Editor, St. Louis Post Dispatch, December 15, 2019 By Evelyn Maddox, President, League of Women Voters of Missouri Letter: Respect the voters’ will, quit attacking Clean Missouri Repealing Missouri’s new redistricting system should not be on the 2020 legislative agenda, much less a priority. In 2018, voters across the state approved Amendment 1, known as Clean Missouri, …

Restore Voting Rights Act

Six years ago, the Shelby v. Holder decision struck down the protections of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and lead to unprecedented levels of voter suppression across America. But soon, the U.S. House will be voting on H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, which will not only restore the original VRA but will also provide greater transparency and protection for voters …

The Census Counts. So Do You.

Why it Matters The U.S. Census data is used to make decisions around education, healthcare, infrastructure, and political representation. With increased growth in the country, getting an accurate and complete count of every person living within is crucial to ensure that each state receives funding to support the number of residents in each state. This Census the focus continues to …

League Marks 2019 Victories

Our citizen-led democracy saw many great moments in 2019, and the League of Women Voters was instrumental in achieving these milestone victories.  Here are a few highlights from Virginia Kase, CEO of the League of Women Voters of the United States.