The Census Counts. So Do You.

Why it Matters

The U.S. Census data is used to make decisions around education, healthcare, infrastructure, and political representation. With increased growth in the country, getting an accurate and complete count of every person living within is crucial to ensure that each state receives funding to support the number of residents in each state. This Census the focus continues to be on reaching hard to count communities and ensuring these communities get included in the Census count.

What We’re Doing

The League’s Census work will occur in three phases: (1) Education; (2) Get Out to Count activities, (3) Watchdog reporting. In the months leading up to Census Day—April 1, 2020—Leagues around the country will be in communities sharing information and resources about how to participate and the importance of the U.S. Census. On Census Day, the League will work in a coalition to help get everyone counted, work in Complete Count Committees to share out information about low-reporting areas, and communicate where additional support is needed. Once the Census count wraps up in the Summer/Fall of 2020, the League will remain in communities and will watchdog any issues from the ground.

The League joined the Census Project and other national and state organizations calling for full funding of the 2020 Census in the FY20 appropriations bills.

For more information about the 2020 Census and the League’s information on this issue click HERE.