Restore Voting Rights Act

Six years ago, the Shelby v. Holder decision struck down the protections of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) and lead to unprecedented levels of voter suppression across America. But soon, the U.S. House will be voting on H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, which will not only restore the original VRA but will also provide greater transparency and protection for voters on the electoral process.

Access to the ballot box should not be a partisan issue. Passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act ensures that every voter—regardless of where they live—has equal access to the ballot box and is protected from unfair laws and practices that make it harder for people to vote.

Congress can pass H.R. 4 and ensure that the future of American democracy and the rights of voters remain strong. Join the League in contacting your representative below and ask them to vote YES on H.R.4.

This article first appeared in the participate section of our national League website found HERE.